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  • Writer's pictureTeri Bourdeau

The Weekly FreeB by Psychologist Dr. Teri B

Updated: Feb 12

Welcome to My Blog on a random assortment of things to consider!

In considering whether or not I wanted to add yet another blog to the massive number already proliferated on the internet, I considered multiple factors that ultimately led me to decide I might have information worth sharing. First of all, while there is a TON of information out there, it can be hard to decipher signal from noise. That is, some of it is absolute rubbish and some of it contains a treasure trove of useful news. I decided this might be a way to enhance my paid services by offering FREE tidbits of information that some of you might find useful. Secondly, I realized after years of providing direct services, consultation, coaching, and training, we all learn, ingest, attend, process and use information in different ways. Thus, it is possible that a blog might be a way to share helpful tips/how tos/how not tos and other cool stuff. Another point I considered is that there are many of us looking for sound, reliable, practical tidbits of information (advice?? recommendations? suggestions?) to help us live our best lives! So, here I am writing an introductory blog as we set off together on this blogging adventure aimed to help you detect signal amidst a great deal of noise, separate wheat from chaff (like my grandfather, the wheat farmer, would literally do), and hopefully, enhance your day, if only just for a moment. As we get going, me, myself, and I, I am going to open it up to readers to ask questions, drive topics, provide feedback to tailor the Weekly FreeB into meaningful moments for you.

Picture of lady on computer demonstrating me typing that doesn't really look like me.

What Was the Main Point Anyway?

Every blog will wrap up with a point to ponder, an idea to consider, or a few take-home points. For today, I am going to pose this question: "What question would you like to ask a psychologist?" Perhaps, your question could be answered on a future Weekly FreeB blog post.

Getting In Touch with Dr. B

If you would like for me to consider answering a burning question, weighing in on a a topic you feel would be helpful to know more about, or to provide feedback, please email me at

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